Greater Orlando Realty USA, Inc. rental property homeowners have legitimate property care concerns, and Pilhorn Realty Group takes these concerns very seriously. Whether the rental home is for investment or being held until a more favorable time to sell, it’s still quite important to safeguard the home’s condition, cut maintenance expense, and maintain the highest resale condition.
The maintenance of rental properties is one of the most detailed and task–oriented things that we do for our homeowner clients. It requires not only Greater Orlando Realty USA, Inc.’s staff involvement, but the use of multiple sub–contractors for various maintenance and repair services:
We have thoroughly vetted our contractors for honesty, efficiency, cost competitiveness, and response time. When your home has a maintenance problem, we’re on it quickly and resolving it as soon as possible within the guidelines of our rental management agreement. Depending on spending limits you impose, we may handle problems and just let you know later, or we’ll contact you for prior approval. Either way, your tenant is inconvenienced as little as possible and your home is repaired quickly and at a reasonable cost.
We are very thorough as well in documenting property condition before move–in and at move–out, using a dual purpose move–in/move–out detailed checklist. We go through the home thoroughly and document condition on move–in, and comparatively on the same form when they move out. This allows the fair settlement of any out–of–the–ordinary damage or damage that’s not normal wear–and–tear.
During normal routine low–intrusion visits to the property to check smoke detector batteries and other safety equipment, Greater Orlando Realty USA Inc.’s staff will give the property a quick visual inspection to catch any damage issues as early as possible to minimize the cost to correct.
Any repairs are carefully documented, invoice copies supplied, and warranties for new equipment or appliances forwarded to the homeowner. We’ve had many homeowner clients tell us that we keep far better records than they do, and we’ve saved them money on their tax returns due to our detailed documentation of expenses. Central Florida rental property owners bring us new business through referrals simply because they’re telling others about our service and attention to detail.